Theme: James: Faith in Action


Trust you are well.

If you enjoyed last week’s study on ‘Life and Wealth in Perspective,’ then you will find this week’s study quite interesting and helpful. The topic this week is ‘Shunning Oppressive Behavior.’ And we should pay attention because only woe and misery await all such oppressors! (James 5:1)

Key Learning Points:
1. Using oppression to gain riches shows lack of trust in God who is our Source, our Provider, and our good Shepherd. No wonder God frowns at riches gained through oppression. Such riches are corrupted, defile the possessors, and at last, bring them only miseries.
2. Oppression cuts across all social status. God does not want us to be oppressed or oppress others. Rather, we should use our possessions, positions, and opportunities (high or low) as a channel to do good and uplift others.
3. Oppression is not only when we gain wealth through unjust means. It is also when we use our wealth to benefit only ourselves, neglecting the poor and needy around us.

See attached outline for your further reference.

Keep on in Christ,


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