Theme: James: Faith in Action


I trust your week has gone well so far?

Have you ever thought that wisdom could be bad? God says so! This Sunday, our series on Faith in Action throws the searchlight of God’s word on wisdom and says, there is good wisdom and there is bad one. 

Key Learnings include:
1. There are two kinds of wisdom: the earthly and heavenly wisdom. And God wants us to know the difference between the two.
2. The difference between the two wisdoms is essentially its source and motivations. Earthly wisdom is full of envy and selfishness. James says such wisdom is unspiritual and demonic. Godly wisdom is pure in motivation, then peaceful, gentle, willing to yield to others, full of mercy and free from hypocrisy. It is a wisdom that is filled with meekness
3. Humble wisdom seeks to glorify God in its actions and fruit. It does not insist on its rights and privileges, does not insist on having his way, is not focused on self, does not project self, and points others to Christ.

See attached outline for your further reference and advance preparation.


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