Theme: The Beatitudes

It is Mission Sunday and our Bible study draws our attention to evangelism as a be-attitude. Hope you are ready? See attached outline for your reference and preparation.

Key Learning Points:

1.     Evangelism is a primary reason Jesus Christ calls people to Himself. It is a call, commission, and commandment to all believers, and we have been given power and authority to do it. Like Paul, it is a necessity laid upon us and a ministry committed to us. The nations must hear about Jesus before they can believe and make a commitment to be His disciples. We have been sent and commissioned to tell the nations

2.     Evangelism is not winning people for Christ. Rather, it is telling people about Christ and inviting them into Him. Some people who hear the gospel of Christ may reject it, but everyone should be given the opportunity to hear. We must not reject the gospel for them by thinking that they will not accept it because of their peculiar circumstance, therefore not offering it to them.

3.     One common thing about Jesus, Paul and the other Apostles is that their preaching aligned and intertwined with the lives they lived. Evangelism was their way of thinking, feeling, and living. We must imitate them.

“The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few” May we be earnest in praying that the Lord of the harvest may send out laborers into His harvest. And to be the fishers of men that Jesus wants us to be.


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